Monday, November 28, 2005

Talking Like a Pirate

My sister-in-law has recently confessed her fascination with pirates to me. I don't exactly understand what the draw is, but it seems that others share her affinity with the pirating people. She has even taught my kid how to cover one eye with her hand and say "ARRRGH".

Nice. Can we focus on the alphabet, please? How about the numbers 6-10? No? Pirate-speak? Fine. At least you are playing well with my kid.

Well, this post is in Adair's honor. I'd like to direct her attention, and the attention to anyone else so afflicted with this strange obsession, to this website: I am sure that you will find this interesting. I don't, but I also am not a huge fan of bananas, so what do I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shiver me timbers and blow me down. Walk the plank ye scalawag! Love the blog. Yo ho ho and a bottle of brass monkey. Nobody tells me anything, either. Then again, I'm not so good at returning phone calls or email, so there might be good reason.